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Bar Optics and Speed Rails

Bar optics offer a fast and reliable way of dispensing spirits. All of our spirit optics are CE marked and are certified for dispensing the amount that is stamped on them. If you serve whisky, gin, vodka or rum, then by law, you are required to use a spirit measure to ensure accurate 25ml or 35ml servings. Our drink optics will not drip so there is no sticky back bars and no unnecessary wastage. As the spirit optics will only dispense the amount it was intended for, you can also avoid expensive over-pours. Bar optics are best suited to use in fast-paced high volume bars. Want to craft cocktails infront of your guests' eyes? Then take a look at our spirit pourers and CE marked thimble measures.

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Unit 25, Chapel Place
Dentonholme Trading Estate
Carlisle, Cumbria, CA2 5DF
Superior Design ©TJ Design